What is 62/72 in percentage?

2008-10-25 3:21 pm
My science score.

Crap! I didnt do good.

回答 (6)

2008-10-25 3:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
62/72 x 100%
= 31/36 x 100%
= 3100/36 %
= 86 4/36 %
= 86 1/9 %
2008-10-25 10:39 pm
66/72 = 0.861 = 86.1 %
Congratulations!! You did well.
Don't swear.

2008-10-25 10:33 pm
86.11%,it a B
2008-10-25 10:27 pm
62/72 in percentage is 86.11111111%(recurring.)Just take the fraction multiply by 100 and you get the percentage.
2008-10-25 10:25 pm
62/72=31/36=0.86111... or 86%
2008-10-25 10:25 pm
62/72 = .861111111111111111

86.1% Pretty good

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