急``關於High SchooL Musical

2008-10-26 7:40 am
我想請問會吾會有High School Musical 4 & 5??


回答 (3)

2008-10-27 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
會有hsm 4
不過就未有消息話會有 hsm 5

雖然有 hsm 4 ,, 但係已經呯係原班人馬啦
因為主要 ge 主角都已經畢業啦

只係話會拍 hsm 4 ,, 其他野未講
而 vanessa 而經係話唔會拍, zac 就開天價,,
到而加都未知 disney 點決定

如果你想知多 d 有關 hsm 3 ge news
參考: me
2008-10-26 8:00 pm
有High School Musical 4 ,logo 都出咗,但唔再講zac and vanessa 個班人,而講D新仔,未開始拍,唔知幾時上映
參考: 線人,我個外國friend嘅father,佢係有份拍
2008-10-26 6:13 pm
I don't think there will be any High School Musical 4 or 5. Because in High
School Musical 3, they're graduating so they won't be in high school anymore.

(If they want to continue making movies about them, they will be about the
university life or other people...)
參考: me

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