急要 請在30分鐘內幫我手=.=

2008-10-26 5:03 am
a.what is the acute angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3:25

b.what is the reflex angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3: 55

詳細解釋 thx

回答 (4)

2008-10-26 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
the angle between the hour-hand and 12:00正>>>

= 360/12x 25/60 + 90 =102.5 度

the angle between the minute-hand and 12:00正>>>

= 25/60x360 =150 度

the acute angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3:25
= 150-102.5 = 47.5 度

reflex angle :優角 即大於平角小於周角的角
the angle between the hour-hand and 12:00正>>>
= 360/12x 25/60 + 90 =102.5 度

the reflex angle between the minute-hand and 12:00正>>>

the reflex angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3: 55
=330-102.5 =227.5 度

Not really sure but I hope it can help you

2008-10-26 00:10:53 補充:
5該哂 y6972593

b.what is the reflex angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3: 55
> = 360/12x 25/60 + 90 =102.5 度
>>>>>>>> = 360/12x 55/60 + 90 =117.5 度
> =330-102.5 =227.5 度
>>>>>>>>> =330-117.5 =212.5 度


2008-10-26 00:12:09 補充:
5該哂 " y6972593"

b.what is the reflex angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3: 55
> = 360/12x 25/60 + 90 =102.5 度

>>>>>>>> = 360/12x 55/60 + 90 =117.5 度
> =330-102.5 =227.5 度
>>>>>>>>> =330-117.5 =212.5 度

參考: me
2008-10-26 5:55 am
您信我用這方法可以幫助您解決身體問題, 碧咸球隊都是用它.
你係咪想型d, fit d又健康d?
我個女13歲, 都是用這方法, 一個月減10磅, 三個月減20磅.
改善鼻敏感, 流鼻血, 靚咗, FIT咗, 讀書仲好咗, 仲拿第一添.
我做文職, 133磅, 160CM , 用咗簡單又健康既方法!
我用左4個月減左20磅, 改善頭痛,胃痛, 暈車浪,植物曲脹, 越來越fit!面色仲好過以前!
網站可以增肥, 減肥, 改善身形, 健康, 體重控制,
美容護膚, http://www.healthcometrue.com/life
[[有營養顧問免費跟進^^ ]]
TEL: 93227176 阿紅
2008-10-26 5:48 am
b.what is the reflex angle between the hour-hand and the minute-hand at 3: 55
> = 360/12x 25/60 + 90 =102.5 度
>>>>>>>> = 360/12x 55/60 + 90 =117.5 度
> =330-102.5 =227.5 度
>>>>>>>>> =330-117.5 =212.5 度
2008-10-26 5:30 am
參考: me

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