
2008-10-26 3:09 am
我想買番几个jedi masters( Shaak Ti, Ki Adi Mundi, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura) 唔该幫我留意一下?

回答 (3)

2008-10-26 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
I know some shops particular have many Star Wars figures ...
- One in Shamshuipo -> opposite "維記".
- One in In's point -> there is one shop selling superman, batman toys .. and also many Star Wars figures.
- CauseWay Bay 16/F -> selling many old toys and you can find many old-classic toys.
Above three shops I have mentioned have a lots of SW figures hanging on wall and you can take a look. Other toys shop may also contain but depend on your luck to get the one you want.

I would say ToyrUs only have latest series of Star Wars figures and only one locker side ... you can take a look but you may not find your Jedi master.
2008-10-26 3:30 am
你去下深水埗d模型玩具店睇下,又或者係玩具反斗城,不過玩具反斗城d star war公仔細細地,10cm高,我買左兩個喇~深水埗有好多呢d star war嘅figures,你周圍行下喇,都有幾多嫁,上個月我呀叔都買左黑帝君同Loke skywalker,都幾大下嫁,我行過旺角,旺角就應該冇既~因為我行左好耐都唔見有一間賣star war嘅figures嘅商店。
2008-10-26 3:16 am
參考: 自己看過

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