點樣做一個film review?(10點)

2008-10-25 9:15 pm
我應該點樣做一個好嘅film review(英文功課)?

回答 (3)

2008-11-01 10:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Film Reviews Format

Generally a good film review follows a format that goes as follows:

Hook(吊人胃口的懸疑開場白): A phrase that leads the reader/listener into the review by introducing the subject and reviewer's opinion in an INTERESTING way.

Synopsis(概要): Usually a zesty(興致很高的) description of what happens in the first 10-20 minutes of the film is enough to let the reader know what is at stake in the story. Only when a film is morally reprehensible(應該指摘的) should a viewer give away the ending, preferably in the lead.[I think this means the 故事大綱]

The Meat(要點;內容): Two or three paragraphs that support the reviewer's opinion with examples from the film. For advance reviews, the challenge is to show the audience something without giving away all the plot points. Because a review should be illuminating(闡明;啟發), it is better to give away a bit too much than to be so vague(模糊不清的,朦朧的) that the reader gains nothing from your review. Supported opinions are the greatest value in a review or critique for any audience.

Clincher(決定性的論點;關鍵): A phrase that gracefully closes the review, often a variation on the Hook.

haha. I think the above can really help you a lot.

It helps me too!:)
so.. thank you for your question!:)

of coz, you can write a film review in whatever way you like that you think it is suitable. Honestly, i think there is no formal way in writing it.:)



http://www2.csusm.edu/profe/120rev.html, myself (please don't copy!)
參考: haha. i have just answered one similar question! I think this will suit you too!
2008-10-30 6:13 pm
1. Decide which movie you want to review.
As a general rule of thumb, one should try to go into a movie as a blank slate. You should carry no biases. If there is a movie that you do carry biases toward, do not choose that movie. Remember, a review should have your opinion after seeing the movie, not before.
2. Sit in a cool, comfortable place and watch the movie.
This could be your local cinema/movie theater. It could also be your basement. Wherever you feel is the best place to watch a movie is where you want to be. If you want to review the film as soon as it comes out, you are going to have to be at the theater. Try to choose an odd time so that you are watching the movie with the least amount of people you can.
3. Find a comfortable place to write.
Take out a notebook and write as many opinions as you can about the movie. Make the writing a stream-of-consciousness effort. Try to get as many thoughts as you can about the movie out on paper.
4. Read over the things you wrote about the movie and form an opinion about the movie as a whole.
What did you like? What did you not like? What would you have done differently? What did you enjoy? Answer these questions in your mind and form an opinion.
5. Write an articulate and fair review of the movie.
Include your opinion and plot to back it up. Make sure not to bash particular actors or actresses too much. You are reviewing the movie as a whole.
6. Try to get your review out to as many people as you can.
Use Internet movie review websites. The point is for people to hear your opinion. Therefore, you need to get it out in the open.
2008-10-25 9:29 pm
Here it is a website that maybe suitable for you.

參考: ME

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