
2008-10-25 6:08 pm


回答 (1)

2008-10-25 11:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) Youths spend a lot of time in internet and spend less time in normal learning
2) Youths learn to use symbol or slang in internet instead of normal language. That hurts the ability in communication in normal language
3) There are a lot of different types of information found in the internet. Some of them are not suitable for youths, e.g. sex, violence, SM, etc. Youths may learn from the bad information.
4) Youths may find information in the internet easily. That may help their education.
5) Many youths copy homework from the internet and that is not good for their study.
6) Eye-sights of youths may hurt as youths spend too much time looking at the monitor
7) Health of youths may be affected as youths spend less time in physcial activities
8) Youths may learn new things from internet per their interests.
9) Youths may be less respect to teachers and schools as youths can also obtain knowledge from internet.

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