幫我translate一下,得兩句 ,help

2008-10-25 4:24 pm


回答 (2)

2008-10-25 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
香港對各類音樂有高度包容性,In Hong Kong, there is a high degree of compatibility among different kinds of music.
無論傳統中樂或是西洋音樂,在本地皆可自由發展。Either traditional Chinese music or Western music can have free local development.
香港的音樂人,一方面盡量保留本地傳統的風格,同時亦通過不斷的創作,建立香港獨特的現代音樂文化。 Musicians in Hong Kong have been trying their best to retain the style of local tradition as far as possible. And, at the same time, they establish the unique culture of modern music through their continuous creation.

2008-10-26 20:39:49 補充:
Sorry,第二句錯了,應該是:Both traditional Chinese music and Western music can have......
2008-10-25 7:56 pm
All types of music in Hong Kong a high degree of inclusiveness, both traditional Chinese music or Western music, local development can be free. Hong Kong's music, on the one hand, as far as possible to retain the local traditional style, but also through the creation, the establishment of Hong Kong's unique culture, modern music.
參考: me

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