
2008-10-25 10:22 am

本公司因在2007年申請了電話線過多的問題, 曾在今年7月時至今多次致電貴台的熱線要求取消電話號碼#23556666, 23566667, 23556777和傳真號碼32355687, 但多次致電熱線號和傳真取消電話線的表格也沒有得到相關熱線陳小姐, 關先生的回覆. 也引致需要取消的電話線自動續約. 也使本公司每月也多支付$600 費用. 現寫上投訴信一封, 希望貴台能盡快幫忙處理此事.


回答 (1)

2008-10-25 8:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am writing to make a complaint on the line cancellation arrangement of your company.

My company applied for several telephone lines in 2007, and has called your company's hotlines several times since July this year, requesting cancelling the telephone lines #2355 6666, 2356 6667, 2355 6777 and fax number 3235 5687. However, no reply has yet been received from Ms. CHAN and Mr. KWAN of the hotlines on the line cancellation arrangement nor completing the line cancellaton form. As a result, the revelent lines are automatically renewed and an additional fee of $600 is incurred unnecessarily.

I am dissappointed by the arrangement of your company and would be grateful if your company could kindly handle my case as soon as possible.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 13:00:41
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