進修 (Degree Course)

2008-10-25 6:36 am
本人十多年前畢業, 但中五沒有五科合格, 在銀行工作, 現想讀一個 Degree Course, 但有很多課程的入學資格本人都不符合. 請問有什麼課程/學院本人合符入學資格.

回答 (4)

2008-10-27 7:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
有d大學既夜校 high dip收生,如果年滿21歲都可以考慮收你的,或者可以問下,只要high dip讀得好,再讀多1-2年左右degree就可以大學畢業,全程大約3-4年吧,我讀緊既hku space都係咁,不過如果會考成績麻麻,有可能跟得辛苦d,尤其以英文教學既科目,或可以考慮同時進修英文,補考返會考英文,咁就會相得益彰!
我自己中七畢業,但見好多degree course都唔收,所以都從advance dip入手,比人讀多2年,但我覺得長線來說,係值得的!
參考: 一個30幾歲還在努力讀書的人!
2008-10-27 6:39 pm
獲取學歷 :MBA截止報名日期 :16 NOV 2008
頒發國家 :America USA開課日期 :23 DEC 2008
學費 :HKD 96,000修讀為期 :18 Month(s)
授課形式:• e-learning
• Face-to-face learning資助計劃:• Continuing Education Fund , Non means loan

入學要求:- a first or second class Honours degree or its equivalent, or
- Non-degree holders with other combination of experience and qualifications may be considered.
課程內容:This MBA is a broad-based management degree. To fulfil the MBA award requirement, students are required to complete 7 core courses plus 2 elective courses. This programme is available in both English and Chinese versions. You can choose to complete the programme using your chosen language. Students will be given access to online course websites developed by the Edinburgh Business School, Graduate School of Business of Heriot-Watt University. Five 3-hour face-to-face tutorials will be arranged for each course. Students will be assessed by written examination only. Please refer to our website at www.stleo.edu.hk for more programme details.
諮詢講座: N/A
備註:This is an exempted course under the Non-local Higher and Professional Education (Regulation) Ordinance in HK.
查詢 :電話 97573903

電郵 [email protected]
網址 http://www.stleo.edu.hk
2008-10-27 2:46 am


自修重考會考需要最少一年時間準備。你已是在職成年人,我明白你讀書的時間不多。可選擇坊間的遙距自學會考課程兼選母語中文教學。自然會考5科合格的機會大增。你已有豐富的工作經驗。很多學識,對你來說都只是common sense。例如你可選商業、旅遊等科目。得到五科合格,自然有很多文憑課程任君選擇,例如IVE、HKMA、浸會大學持續教育學院等。她們有很多海外大學工商管理學士銜接課程任君選擇。例如浸會大學持續教育學院的南澳洲大學、HKMA的皇家墨爾本大學等。




參考: 我過去進修的經驗,和選課程前的資料搜集
2008-10-26 9:07 am


我可以幫到你 =]``

MSN:[email protected]

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