Breathing & gas exchange

2008-10-25 6:13 am
What is the difference between breathing and gas exchange?

回答 (2)

2008-10-30 1:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
For breathing
this is a very general term and every living things will hv breathing

For gas exchange
this means in the air sac / alveoli
the oxygen enter the blood while the carbon dioxide comes out from the blood and then is being breathe / exhaled out of the human body
參考: me
2008-10-25 7:17 am
唔知你睇唔睇得明中文= =

that can bring the oxygen into lungs
and carry out carbon dioxide from our body

gas exchange我諗係指你lung入面既氣體交換(換氣)
=吸入氧氣 and呼出carbon dioxide
and provide oxygen to the body and carry out respiration(呼吸作用)

p.s..其實最易混淆係 呼吸作用同呼吸 = respiration and breathing....
參考: 自己作架咋= =

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