上市公司在會計上有什麼statutory requirements?

2008-10-25 2:43 am
由於本人星期二將會到一間有名既上市公司interview, job description:

~ Reporting to the Accountant, the incumbent will be
responsible for preparing financial statements and rports
in accordance with statutory requirements and update
accounting records on a timely basis within our Property
Centre in XXX.

或者教下我, 呢d大公司面試之前要如何準備。
請各方人士教教路,many thanks ^_^

回答 (2)

2008-10-29 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. What you need to know are income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. By statutory requirements, they are talking about Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards, Hong Kong Accounting Standards and Listing Rules.
2. It is only a junior position in the department. They would not expect you to be very technical. More important, show them you are a quick learner and a team player.
3. They will probably ask you your view to global economic downturn and your career planning. Spend some time to go to their web-site and memorise some latest news and announcement about the Company. It will show your preparation.
4. Be sure you can introduce yourself with confidence. You should be able to tell them your strength and weakness. To get the job, you should also be able to tell them you are the most suitable candidate.
Good Luck! Well preparation will give good return!
2008-10-25 2:50 am
咁岩我公司都請緊人,,係做customer service既
電郵到[email protected] ^^

2008-10-24 18:50:42 補充:

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