relative atoms masses

2008-10-25 12:43 am
an element has three isotopes 20X,21X and 22X. the ratios abundance of 20X and 22X is 2 to 1 and the relative atomic mass of X is 20.86 .
Find the percentage composition of each isotopes of X.

回答 (1)

2008-10-25 1:44 am
✔ 最佳答案

Let p% be the relative abundance of 22X.

The relative abundance of 20X = 2p%

The relative abundance of 21x = [100 - (2p + p)]% = (100 - 3p)%

Relative atomic mass of X:

[20(2p) + 21(100 - 3p) + 22(p)]/100 = 20.86

40p + 2100 - 63p + 22p = 2086

2100 - p = 2086

p = 14

Percentage composition of 20X = 2(14)% = 28%

Percentage composition of 21X = [100 - 3(14)%] = 58%

Percentage composition of 22X = 14%

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