”Help” 請幫忙修改 !!! 感激萬分!!!

2008-10-24 4:50 pm
Dear Manager,

Mr. Chan Tai Man joined our Company as a Security Guard in 19 December 2002. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Security Guard in 01 April 2004.

Mr. Chan had been working with me more than five years, in this period; he showed me is a very strong supervision on his subordinates and fitted for the present posting. He had been assisted his direct supervisor in designed the traffic routes / set up the guide lines for operate the Fire Installation System and he always carried out the assigned duties to the satisfaction of his superior officers.

Mr. Chan is polite, sincere and responsible, he is possesses the knowledge and experience to very competent at a higher management level and he understands the mission and practices of our department, this is fully demonstrates that Mr. Chan is exceptional competence. I strongly recommend raise Mr. Chan Tai Man to the rank of Security Officer.

Mr. Chan's Background:
·He is 37 years old, born in August 1971.
·He is a Safety Supervisor in respect of Industrial Safety and Health.
·He had 5 years Police Officer experience and over 3 years relevant to the work experience.

Thank you for your help

Best regards

Senior Security Officer
Tony Wong
Plant Security and Fire Department

回答 (5)

2008-10-27 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
To Whom It May Concern

Re : Reference Letter for Mr. Chan Tai Man
Mr. Chan Tai Man (HKID number D123456(1)) joined our company as security Guard on 19 December 2002. He was promoted as Senior Security Guard on 01 April 2004. (The timing has a problem, this period does not correspond to “more than five years. Please change.)

Mr. Chan worked under my supervision for more than five years. During this period, he showed himself as a very competent supervisor for his subordinates (no “and fitted for the present posting” because the person who write this letter is not supposed to understand the new employer’s requirement). He had been assisting his immediate supervisor in designing the traffic routes and setting (no the) operation guide lines for the Fire Installation System. He fulfilled duties assigned to him to the satisfaction of his immediate supervisor.

Mr. Chan is polite, sincere and responsible. He (no is) possesses (no the) potentials, knowledge and experience for a management level position. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr. Chan to work in the position of Security Officer. I strongly believe Mr. Chan will act as good as he had been in his new position.

Enclosed please find Mr. Chan’s personal profile for your reference.
Please feel free to contact the undersigned for any further information with regards to the working performance and experience of Mr. Chan.

Yours Sincerely,

Senior Security Officer
Tony Wong
Plant Security and Fire Department
參考: Myself
2008-10-28 2:04 am
2008-10-25 3:41 am
(當你係佢上司寫推薦信, 格式改了, 也不用太長篇大論, 同埋冇需要响信內寫佢背境, 亦冇需要推薦佢做指定職位)
To Whom It May Concern
This is to certify Mr. Chan Tai Man has been under our employ as a Security Guard since 19 December 2002. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Security Guard in April 2004.

During his service with us, Mr. Chan proved himself to be diligent, capable and cooperative. He performed his duty conscientiously and to our satisfaction. In particular, he had been assisting his superior in planning the traffic routes as well as setting up the operation procedure for the Fire Installation System. Mr. Chan demonstrated his ability in supervising his subordinates. He possessed the knowledge and experience qualified for a higher management level.
Due to personal reasons, he resigned on his own accord.
We have no hesitation to recommend Mr. Chan to any prospective employer, and wish him every success in his future career.

Yours sincerely,
Plant Security and Fire Department

Tony Wong
Senior Security Officer

2008-10-25 09:13:56 補充:
Additonal information:

Due to personal reasons, he resigned on his own accord effective on ____________.

( 補上正式離職日期)

2008-10-25 09:23:20 補充:
Additional - additonal ( typing error)

稍覺奇怪, 在下從未見有公司以 XXXXX Department 作公司名稱??

Plant Security


Tony Wong
Senior Security Officer
(Fire Department)

2008-10-27 18:19:13 補充:
很遺憾會錯意, 由於發問者原先沒有表達所需文件用途, 直至發覺作答者方向錯誤而不修正問題, 反而交付投票, 我想你白費了人家氣力作答, 你亦得不到預期的效果!

我的作品是文不對題了, 不用網友來投票了, 連我自己也不會作自投票!
參考: 斷估 - 唔啱駛可當冇睇過 (因改動頗大)
2008-10-25 2:41 am
Dear Manager,

Mr. Chan Tai Man joined our Company as a Security Guard on 19 December 2002. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Security Guard on 01 April 2004.

Mr. Chan and I has been working together for more than five years, in this period, he has supervised his subordinates and fits the present posting. He assisted his direct supervisor in designing traffic routes and setting up guide lines for the Fire Installation System. His assigned duties were always carried out to his superior officers' satisfaction.

Mr. Chan is polite, sincere and responsible. He has a competent knowledge and experience of a higher management level, with understanding of our department's mission and practices. This is fully demonstrated that Mr. Chan has exceptional competence. I strongly recommend to raise Mr. Chan Tai Man to the rank of Security Officer.

Mr. Chan's Background:
·He is 37 years old, born in August 1971.
·He is a Safety Supervisor in respect of Industrial Safety and Health.
·He has 5 years Police Officer experience and over 3 years relevant to the work experience.

Thank you for your help

Best regards

Senior Security Officer
Tony Wong
Plant Security and Fire Department
2008-10-24 7:22 pm
Dear Manager,

Mr. Chan Tai Man joined our Company as a Security Guard on 19 December 2002. He was promoted to the rank of Senior Security Guard on 01 April 2004.

Mr. Chan and I has been working together for more than five years, in this period, he has supervised his subordinates and fits the present posting. He assisted his direct supervisor in designing traffic routes and setting up guide lines for the Fire Installation System. His assigned duties were always carried out to his superior officers' satisfaction.

Mr. Chan is polite, sincere and responsible. He has a competent knowledge and experience of a higher management level, with understanding of our department's mission and practices. This is fully demonstrated that Mr. Chan has exceptional competence. I strongly recommend to raise Mr. Chan Tai Man to the rank of Security Officer.

Mr. Chan's Background:
·He is 37 years old, born in August 1971.
·He is a Safety Supervisor in respect of Industrial Safety and Health.
·He has 5 years Police Officer experience and over 3 years relevant to the work experience.

Thank you for your help

Best regards

Senior Security Officer
Tony Wong
Plant Security and Fire Department

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