which sentence is better?

2008-10-24 4:36 pm
Students initiatives will be very important.

Students initiative will be very important.

I concern about whether I should put a 's' after initiative

回答 (7)

2008-11-07 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果要從以上的句子中, 二選其一, 我會選擇 2, 因為這裏 initiative 係指「主動性/ 自發性」, 係uncountable的用法 (以下的解釋2), 但其實佢亦可以係countable的身份 (解釋1), 解作「倡議」, 但不適用於你的例句.

initiative [ɪ'nɪʃətɪv] 1. 名词 [c] (idea, measure) 倡议 2. 名词 [u] (resourcefulness) 主动性 to take the initiative 采取主动 to act on one's own initiative 主动采取行动 to have the initiative 掌握主动权 to have the initiative to do sth 有做某事的主动性 ........................................................

雖然你沒有要求改寫句子 (你的原句亦很簡單易明), 但我的確很想跟你分享我的作句. 我覺得你的句子如果加上「你心目中所指的對象」, 究竟對於誰人來講是重要的就更加好. 雖然大概會估到你想話是「主動對於學生本身是很重要的」, 但係如果沒有指明的話, 句子亦可以被演譯為其他的意思 e.g. 重要的在於幫輕老師教學的工作, 令師生之間可以善用上課時間, 和有利於課程的進度等等.


Students' initiative is very important to their effective learning.

What is important to students' effective learning is their own initiative.

It is important to ask students to take the initiative in learning for their own benefit.

由於所講的都是一般情況, 所以用present tense 就0K (即句中所述的情況在任何時間都是對的), 除非你想講 e.g. 對於將來某一件事是很重要, 就需要用future tense.


2008-11-06 19:22:16 補充:

我會選擇 2, 但 "initiative" 亦需加上 apostrophe 才是對的

i.e. Students' initiative will be very important. OR

Students' initiative is very important.
2008-11-04 11:01 pm
Students' initiative will be very important.
As initiative is an uncountable noun, so, 2nd sentence is correct but you have to add a ( ' ) after students.
參考: Own
2008-11-02 4:52 pm
secdond one la...
2008-10-25 12:16 am
Students initiative will be very important.

-intiative can be plural
-not only one student
-every students intiativeare important
參考: myself
2008-10-24 9:57 pm
yes, agreed with the above 2, "students initiative will be very important", however, suggested "the initative of students will be very important" probably better..
2008-10-24 8:05 pm
Students initiative will be very important.
2008-10-24 7:24 pm
See which meaning you want:

1. (countable noun, with "s") the first movement or act which starts something happening

2. (uncountable nour, without "s") the ability to make decision and take action without the help of others.

I guess you want the second meaning. If I'm right, the second sentence is correct.

Besides, it should be "Students' initiative(s)" instead of "Students initiative(s)", i.e. an apostrophe should be added after the word "Students".
參考: Longman Active Study Dictionary of English

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