math (probability)

2008-10-24 6:55 am
點解個答案係咁ga????please tell me 點計!! please!!

A piece of wire is cut into two at a point selected at random.
The probability that the longer part is at least 4 times
as long as the shorter is 2/5.

回答 (3)

2008-11-04 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案

理論上,at least 4 times即係最少四倍,即係4倍都得


4個分割點中,只有兩個可以令the longer part is at least 4 times
as long as the shorter


但如果個答案冇錯,一係就個at least 4 times唔包括四倍

參考: 我呢個補習老師
2009-03-25 5:23 am
my name is raymond li
我有一個 賺錢 website請 click 入去看
2008-11-04 7:16 am
你先將佢份成5等份 好似咁-----
佢係 -^---- 或者 ----^- 呢到cut 都可以做成你要既condition
咁就係 1/5 1/5 =2/5

只要佢係 -^---- 既 ^ 既左面cut 都fullfill到你要既condition
而機會就係 1/5. 另一個 ----^- 都一樣

2008-11-03 23:17:58 補充:
我唔係補習老師^^ 但我相信我冇解釋錯

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