
2008-10-24 6:09 am
我用了六種不同的液體做實驗,分別為自來水、茶、可樂、橙汁、益力多和利賓納,它們結成冰,我用它們來比較融化的速度,請協助解釋我的實驗。 實驗詳情:
實驗時的温度:25℃。各種液體原有的容量:100 ml。冰塊融化半小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 5 ml,茶 ---- 4 ml,可樂 ---- 7 ml,
橙汁 ---- 4 ml,益力多 ---- 5 ml,利賓納 ---- 10 ml。冰塊融化一小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 10 ml,茶 ---- 12.5 ml,可樂 ---- 14 ml
橙汁 ---- 10 ml,益力多 ---- 15 ml,利賓納 ---- 17 ml。冰塊融化1.5小時後所得的液體: 自來水 ---- 36 ml,茶 ---- 20 ml,可樂 ---- 24 ml
橙汁 ---- 24 ml,益力多 ---- 30 ml,利賓納 ---- 27.5 ml。冰塊融化2.5小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 50 ml,茶 ---- 29 ml,可樂 ---- 38 ml
橙汁 ---- 41 ml,益力多 ---- 46 ml,利賓納 ---- 41 ml。冰塊融化3.5小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 70 ml,茶 ---- 40 ml,可樂 ---- 59 ml
橙汁 ---- 61 ml,益力多 ---- 90 ml,利賓納 ---- 61 ml。冰塊融化4.5小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 75 ml,茶 ---- 48 ml,可樂 ---- 68 ml
橙汁 ---- 81 ml,益力多 ---- 100 ml (已完成),利賓納 ---- 80 ml。冰塊融化5.5小時後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 90 ml,茶 ---- 78 ml,
可樂 ---- 98 ml (已完成),橙汁 ---- 100 ml (已完成),
益力多 ---- 100 ml (已完成),利賓納 ---- 99 ml (已完成)。冰塊完全融化後所得的液體:自來水 ---- 100 ml,茶 ---- 99 ml,可樂 ---- 98 ml,橙汁 ---- 100 ml,益力多 ---- 100 ml,利賓納 ---- 99 ml。冰塊完全融化所需的時間:自來水 ---- 5小時40分鐘,茶 ---- 6小時5分鐘
可樂 ---- 5小時,,橙汁 ---- 5小時,益力多 ---- 4小時,
利賓納 ---- 5小時5分鐘。融化的速度順序:自來水 ---- 第4,
茶 ----第5,可樂 ---- 第2,橙汁 ---- 第2,益力多 ---- 第1 ,
利賓納 ---- 第3

seiya20020208 我是想你解釋實驗,不是想知道他的融化速率


可不可以用中文回答 thx

回答 (1)

2008-10-24 7:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you know how to use excel to plot a graph?

Using y-axis as the volume melted, x-axis as time, plot the above data with different color, then find out their slope, it will be their melting rates. If you know how to do regression in data analysis box, you can get the error, too.

2008-10-24 11:57:24 補充:
The melting rate are listed below, in unit ml/hr, the last number is the error

自來水 28.33 +/- 6.17
茶 24.67 +/- 6.51
可樂 30.33 +/- 6.56
橙汁 32.00 +/- 4.03
益力多 38.00 +/- 11.40
利賓納 29.67 +/- 3.99

2008-10-24 11:57:54 補充:
Sorry that I cannot put the plot here.

2008-10-25 09:21:42 補充:
Base on the result (you must do the same analysis as I done in above, ok?), the melting rate of 益力多 is the fastest, while 茶 is the slowest. That result should be mainly due to the bonding of the ice of them.

2008-10-25 09:21:53 補充:
That is the strong of the bonding of the ice, the harder it melts. 益力多 is a mixture of acid, (biologic acid), water and sugar, that will weaken the strong hydrogen bonding between the water molecules.

2008-10-25 09:23:32 補充:
As the more of the present of non-polar impurities, like sugar, will weaken the hydrogen bond of the polar water molecules.

2008-10-25 09:24:43 補充:
As the melting rate of 自來水 and 茶 are line in the uncertainty. Their results cannot draw any conclusion.

2008-10-25 09:25:52 補充:
Suggestion: Try to use the ice of distilled water as control. there is nearly no impurities.

2008-10-25 09:27:27 補充:
My typing speed in Chinese is very low, and I cannot translate some terms into Chinese, sorry.

2008-10-25 09:31:23 補充:
Data analysis is important to draw conclusion and explanation, next time you need to do the first part of my answer. State out melting rate and error, or else your experiments is meaningless.

2008-10-25 09:32:09 補充:
You need to know what is polar / polar solvent, what is non-polar to explain your results.

2008-10-25 09:32:54 補充:
You can send me email for further discussion.

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