非常急!!幫幫忙!The difference between qualitative and quantitative

2008-10-24 5:18 am
Question1:Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative.Give examples of qualitative and quantitative variables.

Question2:Explain the difference between poputation and sample.State the reasons for sampling.


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2008-10-24 7:25 pm
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Qualitative variable means the parameters that not expressed in number, but names or labels such as sex: F or M and income level: High, medium or low or colour: red, blue and green. On the other hand, quantitative variables could be expressed in measurable number, for examples: height, weight, number of people employed. This data can be further classified as discrete and continuous.
Population is a collection of data from all the members with a particular interest. While sample is a subset of pouulation, which included only part of the population. As we do not have sufficient resources to get the data from the whole population, we must have a fair and reasonable to choose a sample from the whole population. The methods in selecting the sample is called sampling. There are many kinds of sampling: stratified and simple random samplings.

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