Why is hydrogen bond stronger than Van der Walls force?
Why is hydrogen bond stronger than dipole-dipole interaction and Van der Waals force (dispersion force)?
回答 (2)
dipole-dipole interaction is one of the Van Deer Waals force too.
H-bond is a hydrogen which is affected by a negative inductive effect(-I) by a high electronegative element like N,O,F. H will have a strong positive charge.
Because of its positve charge, H will be attracted by high density of eletron cloud like lone pair in a
high electronegative element to from a H-bond
In Van der Waals force.Like dipole-dipole interaction the charge of positive and nagative is weaker than
H which in H-bond because of the different of electronegative is not large enough.
That why Van der Waals force is weaker than H-bond....
Hydrogen gas exist as H2 under room condition.
(i.e. one H2 molecule = two hydrogen atoms)
Between the 2 atoms, there is strong covalent bond.
Van der Waals' forces means the weak attraction between molecules.
收錄日期: 2021-04-26 14:57:27
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