
2008-10-24 3:25 am
I don't know how to do quaestions the quaestions is 1. oxygen is needed in our body.this generates and maintains our . 2.we have to fan the fire because there is more in moving air , which facilitates ( write the answers)

回答 (2)

2008-10-24 4:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Oxygen is needed in our body. This generates ENERGY能量 and maintains our METABOLISM新陳代謝.

2.We have to fan the fire because there is more OXYGEN氧氣 in moving air, which facilitates BURNING燃燒.
參考: OWN
2008-10-24 3:57 pm
1. oxygen is needed in our body.this generates and maintains our (respiratory system to continue circulating air in our lungs)
2. we have to fan the fire because there is more in moving air, which faciliates..? i don't really get this sentence. It doesn't sound like fluent english to me.

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