
2008-10-24 3:02 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-24 9:13 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) Yes, please. ( When someone offers you something and you want it, you
have to say this.)

2) No, thanks. ( If you do not want the thing that person offers you, you may say this.)

3) So am I . ( when someone says to you that " He is a student.", say " So am I" if you are a student too.

4) same here. ( you may use this as" so am I " too)

A: I am a student.
B: Same here. / So am I.

5) What do you do for a living? ( When you want to ask someone about his job, you may then ask this question.)

6) I work as ( what kind of job you do here) in a trading company.

7) How have you been? ( To ask someone how he is recently)

8) How are you doing? / How are you doing? / Howdy?
Note: They are of the same meanings.
" Howdy " is American slang for " How are you?".

9) Catch you later = see you later = see you later alligator
( You say this while you are saying good-bye to someone.)

" see you later alligator" is kind of slang . It just means " see you later"
and some natives English speakers just like to say it this way (the word " later" and " alligator" rhyme)

10) It's got your name on it. ( When you ask someone if you can have/ eat something, you should know that you may take it if you hear that person says this to you.)

A: May I have the pie on the table, Miss Wong?
B: It's got your name on it.(Miss wong means you can eat it-- It is all yours now.)
A: Thanks.
B: You are welcome.

11) We have a lot in common. ( It means you and the person who you are talking to have the same interests and things like that.)

A: I love swimming, drawing and singing.
B: Me too.
A: really? We have a lot in common then.

12) Right on. ( It just means " you are correct".)


A: This picture is yours , right?
B: Right on. ( you are correct. The picture is mine.)

2008-10-24 01:14:30 補充:
13) Well put! ( You praise someone after he or she says something really meaningful and correct.)


A: I do not like my English teacher who doesn't know much about English
and everything he says is always so unclear.
B: Well put!

2008-10-24 01:14:43 補充:
I do not like him either.( " either" is used for negative sentences.)

I do not = I don't <------------ negative here, so you have to use " either"
NOT " too".

2008-10-24 01:14:58 補充:
14) To go see someone off ( To send someone to the airport or something and say bye bye to him there.)

A: I am leaving for London at 2 pm.
B: I am free today. let me go see you off at the airport okay?
A: Sure, why not?:)

2008-10-24 01:15:14 補充:
15)You can say that again. ( It means" you are right")


A: You are a teacher , right?
B: You can say that again. ===( You are right. I am a teacher.)

2008-10-24 01:15:42 補充:
16) I wasn't born yesterday.( I am not that stupid.)

A: I ate 100 apples today.
B: Come on! You liar! I wasn't born yesterday.

2008-10-24 01:15:58 補充:
17) Okie dokie ( It means" okay" /" ok".)

A: May I eat your apple?
B: Okie dokie.

Good luck to you!
Until then, good bye.
2008-10-24 8:11 am
Hi! How are you doing?
"Fine, thank you, how about you?"
Where have you been?
"Oh, just hanging around."
OK, See you around!
"Alright, bye, see you later"
Take care!
"OK, you too?"

What the heck is going on?
"Nothing, how've you been?"
Alright! You?

Anything new?
"Not much, just a pain in the neck with my girl-friend."
What'd the hell happened?
"Well She's just nagging me all day, you know"

Hello, hello, buddy! What's up?
"Not much. Long time no see! How are you lately? "
Fine. You look sharp in your suit. Where've you got it? Wow! It,s cool!!man!! I wish I got one of those.
"Sure you can! Rich guy! CEO of ........."

2008-10-24 00:13:29 補充:
Wow it's beautiful! I love it. Thank you so much.
2008-10-24 3:19 am
what is your name? i am (your name).
how old are you?i m xx years old.
what do you think?i think...
thank you.you're welcome
how are you? i'm fine thank you...

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