公司印for and on behalf 的問題

2008-10-23 9:31 pm
到底for and on behalf 的公司印是咩人可以簽的?一定要director?



回答 (2)

2008-10-23 9:57 pm
For and on behalf means the act are all carried in the capacity of the legal person - the limited company instead of the real person himself. So all acts with the company chop on it are binding on the limited company. It is not necessary must be singed by a director. However, it just made the other party know that the signing person is authorized by the company to execute this act.
In company cheque, the chop is usually with the name of the company stated on the top with director/authorized person being stated on the signing line below.
In an important document with strict legal requirement, a meeting of the directors must be held to resolve the act by the company and the legal document must be signed by a director approved by the Board of Directors and the Common Seal of the company be affixed on that document instead of the normal rubber chop with for and on behalf on it. The use of the Common Seal is governed by the Articles of Association of the Limited Company.
2008-10-23 9:47 pm
For and on behalf of company 即代表公司簽署, 要公司授權人才可以簽的, 不一定要director, 只要預先得到公司授權就可以.

開公司支票理應用公司印, 表明代表公司簽署, 否則有問題時簽署者個人要負責.

簽重要合約時要用公司印, 責任由公司負責, 否則簽署者個人要負責.

2008-10-23 22:48:23 補充:
要記著, 開支票,簽合約是你公司而不是你自己, 授權人只是代表公司簽署, 千萬別把債務及法律責任附上身.

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