MaTHZ!! hElPplZ!!

2008-10-23 7:58 pm
plz help me to ans the question!i need the step,thz!

1)Find out one of the factors of expression 2x+6=2(x+3)

2)Write the expression with base k and index equals to x plus 3.

3)Factorize 88a^2-a-35.

回答 (2)

2008-10-27 8:24 pm
1) one of the factors is x+3
2) k^(x+3)
3) 88a^2-a-35
2008-10-24 12:15 am
1) common factor can be 2 or (x+3)
2) k=x+3
3) don't know, i have to think a moment, wait me!

2008-10-23 16:25:59 補充:
3) ans: (11a-7)(8a+5)
proof: (11a-7)(8a+5)
= 88a^2+55a-56a-35
參考: me, me

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