
2008-10-23 8:39 am
For the male cosmetology course, Would you please tell which college better
than and can achieved marketing standards.

本人是男性, 請問什麼美容學校比較好些及課程(最好為男性美容)比較接近市場

回答 (2)

2008-10-26 9:32 am
✔ 最佳答案


佢話依家招生緊`` =]



MSN/e-mail:[email protected]
2008-10-29 7:58 am
Frederique Academy is very well known in the industry.

I don't know whether they have courses focus on male cosmetology. I have a male friend studying in their massage course before and he said the course is really useful. And there are hotel and beauty centres placing their recruitment ad there.

you could have a look first.

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