country, state , city 有咩分別?

2008-10-23 8:13 am
我想問下country, state , city 3個有咩分別?
用hong kong做例子,
country 就系china 我知
但state會吾會等於city 都系hong kong 呢系呢個case?

回答 (3)

2008-10-23 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Country is the larger concept. State is the middle. City is the smallest. There's states inside a country. There's cities inside a state. For example. US is a country and there's 48 states wihch includes: newyork, california, texas..... Inside California, there's cities like san francisco, sacramento, san jose. China doesn't have states so you can't have an example like that.
參考: live in us
2008-10-24 8:40 am
There are 50 states in USA now. Not 48

2008-10-24 00:44:37 補充:
State = Province
different names of the same object
2008-10-23 2:24 pm
Country 是國家, state 就是州/省, city是市.

用China做例子,有省,有特別行政區(Special Administrative Region),有市...
用Hong Kong做例子, Country 是China, city是Hong Kong or Victoria, 特別行政區(SAR)(吾系州/省)是Hong Kong.
參考: OWN

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