Why is Cuba called the "Republic of Cuba", while it is a Communist one-party state?

2008-10-22 2:48 pm
Cuba is NOT a republic, or is it?

回答 (4)

2008-10-22 3:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, it is not a republic. But countries can call themselves whatever they want to. Who can stop them? It's just a PR move, so they can pretend they're following the will of the people.
2008-10-22 2:53 pm
No, not really. But then again, Communist China calls itself the Peoples Republic of China. North Korea calls itself the Democratic Peoples Republic.
2008-10-22 5:26 pm
Why is the US called United States?. I don't see it united at all.
2008-10-22 2:53 pm
check the dictionary.

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