(急) 日文問題, 麻煩懂日文的朋友們幫幫手, 謝謝!!

2008-10-22 11:16 pm
本人想book日本旅館, 不過不懂打日文, 內容如下:


我們打算在11月4日預約一間兩人房, 會在旅館住宿一晚, 不需要膳食。

你們是否接受現金或visa card付款呢?

請幫助confirm日子和價錢, 謝謝!!

另外, 請問旅館有門禁嗎??

等待你的回覆, 有勞了。


很趕急, 希望精通日文的朋友可以幫忙幫忙, 感激不盡!!! :)

回答 (3)

2008-10-23 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案

(your name)と申します。



(your name)より

2008-10-23 09:25:22 補充:

2008-10-23 9:36 am
Someone has already translated your text into Japanese so your problem probably be solved.

For information, there is free site for translation: http://babelfish.yahoo.com/

Type in the English text and choose English and Japanese, press translate and you will get the Japanese version, thought not 100% but can help. I use the software to translate my words, print the Japanese version and show it to the hotel reception.

In addition, you can use it to read site in Japanese only.
2008-10-23 12:15 am
1. most web-sites of Japanese hotels have English version, no need to
communicate with Japanese (I do not understand Japanese as well)
(every time I made reservation with English, no problem at all)
2. you may highlight that dinner is not required during reservation
3 valid visa card details are required as registration during reservation of
room (s)
4 availability of room vacancy and room rate should be made direct
to individual hotel during reservation
5 what is the meaning of (門禁) ?

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