To piss you off

2008-10-22 10:09 pm
To piss you off點解?
仲有冇d差唔多o既 phrases?

回答 (4)

2008-10-22 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
to piss you off 係解 激嬲你.
又唔係串, 但係有點兒惡惡地, 粗粗魯魯咁.
可以講 too fxck you up. : P

當第一身果個人嬲既時候, 可以講
I'm pissed off.

"Piss" 呢個字本身既意思係 "小解"
用法: I wanna go for a piss.

"Piss off" 可以係叫人死開/ 滾開
都係惡惡地, 粗粗魯魯咁.
用法: PISS OFF!!!!!!!!!!! ><"!!
(use it when you're really angry, really pissed off, and when somebody is bothering you.)

Hope this is helpful for you *v*~~~

2008-10-22 15:13:22 補充:
仲有"to piss you off" 唔係正式既說法. [informal]
參考: Myself
2008-11-01 12:48 pm
too fxck you up 冇咩人咁講
fxck up = screw up = 攪X錯
I wanna go for a piss: "go for"比較斯文"好少配合piss用,多數係講go to take a piss, go to piss
Piss off 可以係叫人死開/ 滾開: 這樣用既人唔多, 要用就講fxck off
2008-10-23 8:55 am

" to piss you off" = to make you mad, to make you angry or to irritate you.

係咪寸人嫁? = NO!
It just mans you want to make someone angry.


He took my bike without telling me first. He really pissed me off.

I pissed my brother off by not telling him where the store was.

仲有冇d差唔多o既 phrases? = Yes!

There are many of similar phrases.

Here are some for you, pal.

1) to drive you bananas ( British English)

2) to drive you nuts ( Both American and British)

3) to drive you up the walls ( British)

4) to get on your nerves ( both )

5) to make you so mad (both)

6) to make you angry ( both)

7) to make you lose your head( both)

8) to make you jump to the ceiling ( British)

I'd better stop here for there are just too many to count. :)

Good luck!

See you!
2008-10-22 10:29 pm
To piss you off = 激怒你
差唔多o既 phrases: make you angry, drive you crazy

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