Do anyone know where can I buy R/C car parts in H.K ?

2008-10-22 6:29 pm
I want to buy some R/C car parts for my R/C car , I want to but a fast engine and other good upgrade parts for my R/C car , therefore do anyone know where can i get those R/C car parts in Hong Kong ? If yes , plz let me know , the best answer of this question will have 20 points , THX a lot .

回答 (1)

2008-11-05 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
旺角廣華醫院後面係廣華街(Kwong Wah Street)有幾間,好景商業中心(Ho King Comm.)後面仁安大廈(Yan On Bldg)下面又有幾間,司以去睇睇。

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