How to use 'If...unless...”

2008-10-22 6:43 am
please be carefully to teach me how to 'If...unless..."

回答 (8)

2008-10-22 1:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If如果and unless除非 do not usually appear in the same sentence as they have close meanings and are used in similar ways. Usually we use either 'if' or 'unless in a sentence.

However, to answer your question:. how to 'If...unless..." .
Here is an example:
If I were a chicken, unless my wings grew larger, I could not fly.
In this sentence If....unless are used to give two different but related conditions.

Try to contruct your 'If....unless...' sentence modelling my example.

2008-10-25 08:09:52 補充:
To 004 Akit,
Your attempt to model on a 'If...unless' is a good try. Well done!
I think crystal can also do the same.
參考: own
2008-11-01 1:17 pm
to 005 Love u till the end
Even you have studied in London for those five solid years doesn't mean you can't be wrong. Spelling: all you's answer, sentance, sori. Grammar: I study in London for five solid years. Don't tell me the literate Londoners write like this.
2008-10-26 7:05 am
I don't really agree with all you's answer. (sori)

But i have a few examples for your question. I did use If....unless in the same sentance before, In my essays or exam papers.

" If only i am in big trouble, unless i won't ask her for help"

" If all the boys in the whole world disappears, unless i won't go out with him"

I study in London for five solid years. And we all use sentances like this, so i don't think that is wrong. Hope this might help you.
參考: myself
2008-10-25 11:00 pm
It's a matter of logic. If and unless has exactly opposite meanings and they negate each other in one sentence. Besides you don't use two conjunctions in one sentence. (Conjunct = connect Conjunction:used to connect 2 sentences)
If you don't do it, I get kicks.
Unless you do it, I get kicks.
2008-10-22 5:51 pm
I have some examples, i agree that there are not mean to be used together, they can only be in two sentences.

1- If you want to catch the trend, you need to buy MILK magazine, unless you have very strong fashion sense.

2- If you are seeing Mary later, you should take a shower now, unless you think she likes smelly men.

3- If you want to get up early tomorrow, you should go to bed now, unless you slept in the afternoon.
2008-10-22 9:41 am
Both candidates pointed out the correct point - we do not use "if...unless" sentence structure.
2008-10-22 9:22 am

" if " and " unless" are often used in conditional sentences.
Since their meanings are not the same, we cannot combine them in a sentence.

Check out the following examples.

1) If you study hard, you will pass your exam.( high possibility)

2) Unless you use a thermometer, you WON't know when your chicken is done.
3) Unless you cook your chicken this way, you will have a tough chicken.
You will pass your exam( positive )
You won't know when your chicken is done (bad result )

You will have a tough chicken( bad result) .

_____The end_______

2008-10-22 6:55 am

在本人的英语知识中未接触到,或者有吧,但本人再翻查过Longman双解辞典,发现无论查 "IF"或者是"UNLESS"都查不到.
參考: 我和Longman双解

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