acid同oxidizing agent有咩分別??

2008-10-22 5:47 am
acid同oxidizing agent有咩分別??
點解dilute nitric acid react with metal既時候會act as an oxidizing agent rather than an acid?

回答 (4)

2008-10-25 7:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
this is because nitric acid has two properties: acidic prop. and oxidizing prop.

for acidic properties:
the hydrogen ions in HNO3 is hving reaction with the other substancesthe hydrogen ions are ionized

for oxidizing property:
this involve the idea of giving out and receiving electrons
HNO3 [NO3-] take/receive electrons from the reacted substance like metals
this is so-called the oxidizing power

(are u using the textbook of Aristole?)
參考: my last year chem knowledge
2008-10-26 6:07 am
氧化數有改變就係 oxidizing agent
2008-10-26 5:57 am
氧化數有改變就係 oxidizing agent
2008-10-25 3:33 am
氧化數有改變就係 oxidizing agent

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