
2008-10-22 3:38 am
Ethiopia many pauper; vagrant ; bagger and obscure mystic.This is a culture.
(Natural Calamity) Town often falling great snow. Outskirts also great
earthquake...... 請把以上生字變成完整句子,,,,謝謝,,,唔該晒

對不起最後還有一句,,,Ethiopia gave curse at the ancient times..我只是學了一些生字,,想把他們串成句子,,沒有貶低這個國家的意思,,,,希望大家給我意見...謝謝

回答 (2)

2008-11-01 1:49 am
✔ 最佳答案

In Ethiopia we can see a lot of paupers, vagrants, and beggars.However, their culture is not so simple as it seems. The country is full of obscure mystics. Ancient Ethiopians knew how to put a curse on others.

(mystic 已有神秘、不為人所知的意思, 所以不一定要用 obscure 作形容詞配合, 因好像不太順口) Natural Calamities also strike (i.e. attack, hurt) this country hard, such as snowstorms in urban areas and earthquakes on the outskirts.
2008-11-01 6:53 am

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