英文 - 做完功課先至打機 - 點講呢 ?

2008-10-22 12:39 am
英文 - 做完功課先至打機 - 點講呢 ?

回答 (8)

2008-10-22 5:33 am
Finish your homework before you play the computer.
2008-10-22 1:25 am
play video game after you finish your homework


play video game after you get the homework done


get the homework done before you play video game


finish your homework before you play video game

in the above sentence, "video game" can be replaced by: playstation3, wii, Xbox, PSP, NDS or online games all depends on what you are going to play
2008-10-22 1:08 am
有很多種講法的 -v-"
當你打機是玩電腦吧 =0="

1. Play computer games after you have done your homework .
2. You should done your homework before you play the computer games .
3. If you wnat to play computer games, you should done your homework before. 等等...

冇諗過想成為最佳回答 - -"
但希望幫到你啦 =]
參考: 自己的英文知識 -0-
2008-10-22 1:06 am
Please complete your homework before playing with your computer/PSP.
參考: By me,the smart princess!
2008-10-22 12:46 am

Do the homework first, if you want to play computer games.

If you don't do it,I will lock the computer.

參考: 自己的爛英文....
2008-10-22 12:46 am
play video game after you finish your homework


play video game after you get the homework done

in the above sentence, "video game" can be replaced by: playstation3, wii, Xbox, PSP, NDS or online games all depends on what you are going to play

e.g. play NDS after you get the homework done
2008-10-22 12:43 am
Please complete your homework before playing computer games(or TV games)
2008-10-22 12:42 am
Finish your homework before you play the computer.

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