Air Transport vs Sea Transport (20分)

2008-10-21 11:54 am
Comparing the Advantages & Disadvantages of Air
Transport vs Sea Transport with real-life example(s).

- Commodities : Mobile Phones, Furniture, & Beverage
- Brands : Nokia, Coca-cola, & Ikea


回答 (1)

2008-10-22 2:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
air transport vs sea transport
- mobile phone is something very fashion and very light, air transport can get the advantages over time line.
- furniture is something does not change much over time and heavy, air transport is not worthy. so usually use sea transport
- beverage usually use sea transport due to cost
- Nokia will select air transport for high value products and sea transport for low value products
- coca-cola will produce locally rather than transport over air or sea
- ikea transport over sea transport due to the lower cost and also furniture are too heavy for air transport

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:09:31
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