[英文] 想問下Retrieve on 點解?

2008-10-21 8:08 am
“After his European tour, Dylan returned to New York, but the pressures on him continued to increase. His publisher was demanding a finished manuscript of the poem/novel Tarantula. Manager Albert Grossman had already scheduled an extensive summer/fall concert tour. On July 29, 1966, while Dylan rode his Triumph 500 motorcycle in Woodstock, New York, its brakes locked, throwing him to the ground. Though the extent of his injuries was never fully disclosed, it was confirmed that he indeed broke his neck. Dylan took advantage of his extended convalescence to escape the pressures of stardom: "When I had that motorcycle accident ... I woke up and caught my senses, I realized that I was just workin' for all these leeches. And I really didn't want to do that.”
(“The Bob Dylan Motorcycle-Crash Mystery”. American Heritage (2006-07-29). Retrieved on 2006-08-04.)”

回答 (3)

2008-10-21 1:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(“The Bob Dylan Motorcycle-Crash Mystery”. American Heritage (2006-07-29). Retrieved on 2006-08-04.)”

Retrieved 不是重新編輯的意思。這裡沒有說文章有重新編輯過。

Retrieve解提取,Retrieved on 2006-08-04 指這篇原載2006-7-29的文章在2006-08-04再從檔案中提取出來看。
2008-10-22 5:38 am
2006-08-04 重新編輯
2008-10-21 8:21 am
這個Retrieved 意思是 在2006-08-04 重新編輯

2008-10-22 00:48:27 補充:
Retrieved重新編輯 而在你這裡的意思是這一篇文章的作者引用原本作者的article

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