advice / advise ?? (10 marks)

2008-10-21 8:01 am
S.3 English Language

Can you tell the difference between these two words: advice / advise??

Is it related to its word formation?

10 marks

回答 (3)

2008-10-21 2:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Some verbs have 'se' at the end of the spelling. For example: advise, practise, license. Their nouns end with 'ce': advice, practice, licence.
Advise and advice belong to this pattern of word formation.

For your information, English words that end with 'se' are usually verbs.
More examples: advertise, despise, rise, supervise.

English words that end with 'ce' are usually nouns.
More examples: ice, rice, appentice, race.
參考: own
2008-10-21 9:22 pm
Advice is a noun and advise is a verb.

The meanings of the word "advice" are as follows:-
1. 勸告,忠告[U][(+on/to/about)]
I want your advice, sir. I don't know what to do.
2. 消息,報告[P1]
Advices from abroad indicate that war is about to begin.
3. 【商】通知[P1]

The meanings of the word "advise" are as follows:-

1. 勸告,忠告
We advised her that she (should) wait.
We advised him against acting in haste.
2. 當...的顧問[W][(+on)]
3. 通知,告知[(+of)][O5][O6]
Please advise us of any change in your plan.
4. 建議採取
2008-10-21 8:17 am

advice 勸告,忠告 是 noun 名詞 - 英語中,名詞有單複數之分。(In
English, nouns can be singular or plural.)

e.g. I need your advice.

advise 勸告,忠告 是 verb 動詞- 動詞隨著人稱、時態、語態和語氣的不同可能會有詞形的曲折變化。( Verbs may be inflected for person, tense, voice, and mood.)

e.g. We advised u our planning.

分別 advice 要求人地講/做
advise 人地要求你講/做

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