《評論》pls correct this letter

2008-10-21 12:58 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20081009000051KK00541

'When a dog bites you, you do not bite it back. You use a stick to punish it ! If the dog just barks, then let it bark ! We are not animal so we cannot really communicate with the dog ! ' by baggio 'So keep on striking for your best and don't be upset by garbage :P ' by ceclia It is very unkind to downgrade our fellow knowledge friend to the status of a dog. Comparatively what she might have done wrong in naming someone's composition as garbage is only very trivial. Indeed we all have animal instinct and are some time not civilized as we should be. But the good book teaches us: "Don't be angry to the end of the day"

回答 (2)

2008-11-05 8:30 pm
Please be specific when you express your opinion wchu6638, so that we can share your grievances.
2008-10-22 1:10 pm

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