What is the different between Neurologist & Neuro Surgeon?

2008-10-21 4:40 am
i suffer from giddiness for more than 7 month by now & which of the above specialist i should visit? thanks

回答 (2)

2008-10-21 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
A neurologist is a dr that specilizes in illnesses that affect or are caused by the brain and knows how to treat them with medication and non invasive treatment.

A neuro surgeon is, as the name states, a surgeon. They would handle anything that would be invasive involving the brain
2008-10-21 4:50 am
I would say that you want a neurologist. If they find something wrong that would necessitate a surgeon, they will refer you.

It could also be caused by something else not related to your brain. You should see your general practitioner and explain the symptoms to them because they will investigate any other possible causes such as low blood sugar, blood pressure or cardiac problems, etc.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 13:51:37
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