f.4 mathz,,,functions and graphs.

2008-10-21 6:28 am
The graph of the function y=-x^2+x+2 is first translated 2 units to the right and then reflected in the y-axis. Write down the function represented by the final graph.

回答 (2)

2008-10-21 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
let f(x) = y=-x^2+x+2
translated 2 units to the right = f(x+2)
reflected in the y-axis = f(-x-2)
the final equation :
y* = (-x-2)^2 + (-x-2) +2
= (-1)^2 (x+2)^2 - x-2 +2
= x^2 + 4x +4 - x-2 +2
= x^2 +3x +4

2008-10-21 12:22:45 補充:
sorry .
the final equation :
y* = - (-x-2)^2 + (-x-2) +2
= - (-1)^2 (x+2)^2 - x-2 +2
= - (x^2 + 4x +4) - x-2 +2
= -x^2 -5x -4 ..
2008-10-21 6:47 am
Translated 2 units to the right becomes
y = -(x-2)^2 + (x -2) + 2.
= -x^2 - 4 + 4x + x -2 + 2
= -x^2 + 5x - 4.
Reflected in the y -axis becomes
y = -(-x)^2 + 5(-x) - 4
= -x^2 - 5x + 4.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:10:57
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