
2008-10-21 6:27 am
I do want to learn how to use it and want to buy a good one but the price only can be under 4500 dollar . Can someone tell me the model or the web page that page should be useful.

回答 (2)

2008-10-23 6:46 pm
要低過 $4500, 似乎只係得 Sony A300 + (18-70mm) 果套套裝至做得到喎.... 根據 DCHome 的網友報料, 以上呢一套係 $4180 (Sep 08).

不過, Sony 比較少人用, 而將來要 upgrade 都未知係咪容易...
始終 Sony o向 DSLR 方面, 仍然係新丁...
但近年, 佢地相當積極...

2008-10-21 9:58 am
There are more choices than I thought there would be....

Assuming you are in Hong Kong, here are the prices of some of the cameras that would be fine for you to start learning photography:


Also, I would suggest that you get the same brand of camera as your friends' because it's easier to share stuff (lens, flash, etc) and it's easier to learn from each other at the start.

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