請幫我翻譯~急急急!! thanks

2008-10-21 6:19 am

步驟一: 合夥人應就如何經營及管理擬登記之公司達成協議,包括議定每位元合夥人在公司的權利和責任以及利潤的分配比例等。這些協議雖然可以自己訂定,但經由律師訂定和作證,可免日後的爭議。本公司也有代辦草擬簡單的合夥協議書,詳情及收費請致電報(852)2341 1444或電郵查詢。

步驟二: 合夥人擬定辦事處後,必須在公司開業後一個月內向稅務局轄下的商業登記署申請商業登記證。

步驟三: 合夥人須填妥申請書,並繳付訂明的牌照費。一般情況下,一個小時即可辦妥商業登記證。申請人也可以把填妥之指定表格連同指定金額的登記費郵遞到商業登記署,商業登記署會把登記證寄到所屬公司的營業地址或您指定的地址。

( 1) 根據[商業登記條例],經營者必須把商業牌照掛在營業地址的顯眼地方。
( 2) 牌照有效期為一年或者三年,經營者必須於提交申請登記證時作出選擇。請按此參閱商業登記費列表。
( 3) 提交申請表格時,經營者必須把您的身份證複印本(如為合夥公司,則所有合夥人的身份證複印本)一併提交。
( 4) 經營者可以現金,支票或易辦事繳納商業登記費。
( 5) 除了商業登記證,經營者可能還要申辦其他牌照才可以開始經營其業務,如果該等業務比較特別,例如酒家或證券仲介業務等。
( 6) 不論是獨資公司和合夥公司,香港的法律都沒有對經營者的國際有任何特別的限制。也就是說,經營者可以是任何國際之人士。但是,如果經營者並非香港居民,那麼,經營者就必須委任一個香港居民作為代表。請注意,代表沒有任何代理公司業務之權利,代表的責任只限於接受政府信件。本公司可以提供出任代表服務。
( 7) 不論是獨資公司和合夥公司,都需要有一個位於香港的位址作為營業位址。本公司可以提供營業位址,詳情請按此參閱。

回答 (3)

2008-10-21 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Partnership registration procedures

Step one: partners should be on how to operate and manage the registration of the proposed agreement, including the agreed yuan each partner in the company's rights and responsibilities as well as the allocation of profits, and so on. Although these agreements can be worked out, but by lawyers set to give evidence and to avoid future disputes. The Company is also a partner agency to draft a simple agreement, the details of the charges and has been reported, please call (852) 2341 1444 or by e-mail query.

Second step: development of the Office of the partners, the company must be opened within one month after the Inland Revenue Department's Business Registration Office to apply for business registration certificate.

Step three: Partners should complete an application and pay the prescribed fee. Under normal circumstances, an hour to complete their business registration certificate. Applicants can send their completed forms together with the designation of the designated amount of registration fee by mail to the Business Registration Office, the Office registration certificate will be sent to their company's business address or the address you specify.

(1) According to [the Business Registration Ordinance], operators are required to be linked to a commercial license in a conspicuous place of business address.

2008-10-21 13:40:46 補充:
(2) license is valid for one year or three years, operators are required to submit applications for registration in time to make a choice. Please click here to see the list of business registration fees.

2008-10-21 13:40:53 補充:
(3) submit the application form, operators are required to copy your card (such as a partnership, all partners of the ID card copies), along with the submission.

2008-10-21 13:40:59 補充:
4), the operator can be cash, check or EPS business to pay registration fees.

2008-10-21 13:41:04 補充:
(5) In addition to the business registration certificate, the operator may also bid for other licenses before they can start their business if the business is rather special, such as restaurants and real estate securities business, and so on.

2008-10-21 13:41:15 補充:
(6), both wholly-owned and partner companies in Hong Kong do not have the legal operator of the International any special restrictions. In other words, the operator can be any of the

2008-10-21 13:41:23 補充:
international people. However, if the operator is not Hong Kong residents, then the operator must be appointed as a representative of Hong Kong residents. Please note that no representative of the

2008-10-21 13:41:27 補充:
agency business right, on behalf of the Government's responsibility is limited to accept the letter. The Company can provide services on behalf of the post.

2008-10-21 13:41:30 補充:
(7), both wholly-owned and partner companies, there is a need to address in Hong Kong as a business address. The Company can provide business address, please read this.

2008-10-21 13:41:33 補充:
(8) If all the partners are not residents of Hong Kong, Hong Kong residents to be appointed as a representative of the company as a company and the Inland Revenue Department's tax affairs on the bridge of communication.
2008-10-21 6:50 am
thanks~~really useful!!

2008-10-21 18:33:53 補充:
thank you : >
2008-10-21 6:49 am
Forms a partnership the company to register procedure the
Step one: How should the partner manage and the management plans company of the registration to reach the agreement,
including agrees each element partner in company's right andForms a partnership the company to register procedure the step
one: How should the partner manage and the management plans company of the registration to reach the agreement, including
agrees each element partner in company's right and the responsibility as well as the profit assignment proportion and so
on. Although these agreements may schedule, but schedules by way of attorney and testifies, may exempt in the future
dispute. This company also has charge d'affaires to draft simple forms a partnership the agreement, the details and the
charge please do send telegram (852)2341 1444 or the email inquiry.
Step two: After the partner draws up the office, must, in the company starts doing business in the latter month the
commercial registration bureau application commercial registration certificate which governs to the tax bureau.
Step three: The partner must complete the requisition, and pays subscribes the bright license fee. In the ordinary
circumstances, one hour then completed the commercial registration certificate. The applicant may also complete it to
assign the form together with to assign the amount the registration fee to mail the commercial registration bureau, the
commercial registration bureau will mail the registration certificate the address which the respective company's business
address or you will assign.

2008-10-20 22:51:16 補充:

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