
2008-10-21 4:32 am
每個原因10個字左右就Ok la~~


回答 (1)

2008-10-21 7:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. For her unconditional love to me. 為她對我無條件的愛
2. For her selfless efforts towards me. 為她對我無私的付出
3. For she cares about me. 為她對我的關懷
4. For her taking care of me when I am ill. 為她對我病榻中的寒暄問暖
5. For all her encouragements when I am down. 為她在我憂愁時對我鼓勵
6. For all her advices when I am lost. 為她在我迷失時為我指路
7. For all her biased opinions solely because I am her flesh and blood. 為她無理地偏坦我, 只因我是她的血與肉
8. For she shares my happiness without reservations. 為她毫無保留地分享我的歡樂
9. For her loving the ones I love 為她愛我愛的人
10. For being my mother, just because. 只為她是我的母親

對母親, 再多100個原因都重得!!
參考: Veni - Vidi - Vici

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