
2008-10-21 3:53 am
如題..我今年會去美國讀foundation(community college)..之後諗住接駁大學..讀物理治療..但呢科好似係當地唔係好common..搵極都搵唔到邊間大學有得讀..希望大家可以幫我搵下>"<..最好係加洲..不過其他洲都可以..總之全國有得讀ge大學都list出黎..



回答 (2)

2008-10-21 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Therapy。所以你上美國yahoo search 物理治療資料,記得要打Physical Therapy;要找學校的話,要打 Physical Therapy Schools。

在網上找到這個資料,list out了美國的Physical Therapy Schools,希望幫到你。

從以下這一條的文章所講,在美國現在是沒有physical therapy 的
degree program,只有master 或 doctor program。

不知你為何想去美國讀物理治療?是美國citizen 嗎?

2008-10-21 01:10:23 補充:
<海外升學秘笈:往美國讀物理治療 須有學位 >


2008-10-21 2:46 pm
I assume you meant PT (physical therapist). From what I understand, a lot of PT programs are post-grad, meaning after you have your bachelor degree. However, there are a relatively small number of schools that offer PT undergrad programs.
I am from new york. There are PT post grad programs at SUNY- Stony Brook, CUNY- Hunter St. Johns University, Pace University.... a lot of schools

In your case, since you mentioned about attending community college for "foundation", let me remind you that you will most likely be taking classes related to PT.... Community Colleges (often two years associate degree) are like gateways in which students for whatevereason don't go a regular four years school. Students often follow a regular track and take classes like English, Math, Sciences, Humanities.... blah blah blah

I think you will likely to transfer to another four year college in order to finish your bachelor degree ... then go on for PT.

*just a personal advice... if u can, try not to go to a CC.... bc they actually suck. If your concern is English skills, don't worry.... a lot of schools offer ESL (English as a Second Language) programs..... If you are to study in New York, there's a CUNY system (schools like Queens College, Huner College) that might interest you.

Look more into it..... feel free to send me emails if u have further questions.

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