
2008-10-21 3:19 am
但今年...少功課和 short test


回答 (2)

2008-10-21 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
you like study?

do you study for something?

then it is not study, it is not learning, it is just "I am forced to study" to achieve something.

And this kind of studying is based on fear, fear of failure, fear of can't get the rigt job, fear of.....

so your studying becomes so mechanical, just accumulate knowledge, like a conputer, save save and save

and this kind of studying doesn't have any meaning at all.

But find out deeply what you like, may be you like mathematics because of its beauty, maybe you like music because of its utter beauty, and the more you can appreciarte the world's order, or humanity, or whatever you think, the more you are willing to pick up the books

So find out deeply yourself, what is you interest? And no matter that interest can earn money or not, don't make yourself study something you don't like just because of living.

You can live, with joy, only when you find the job you like, and you love to do, not force to do.

Of coz, your health status is also a concern, don't stay up too late, eat the right food, regular exercise and all the stuff

take care ^^
參考: me
2008-10-26 6:08 am


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