
2008-10-21 1:56 am
there are less toy shops.

The price og the clothes is very expensive.

It sould make more seating areas.

I very like playing something excited.

回答 (7)

2008-10-21 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are less toy shops.  

The clothes are very expensive.

It would make more seating areas.

I like playing something excited very much
2008-11-01 1:57 pm
you are right

The prices of the clothes are very expensive
More seating areas should be made
I very much like playing something exciting
2008-10-21 10:17 am

1)There are less toy shops.<---------This sentence is okay.

2)The clothes are very expensive. ( " clothes" is a plural noun, do use" are".)

In oral English, some native English speakers would use" is" here though.

The price of the clothes is very expensive.( pretty unnatural here)

3) It would sit more people .or ( There would be enough seating areas.)

In English, we use " sit" as a verb in active voice to describe how many people
can gather at a spot or in a stadium for instance.=可坐得下(若干人)

"It sould make more seating areas." is sort of Chinglish. I hope I did not misunderstand it.

4) I would like playing something EXCITING very much.
I would like to play something exciting very much.
I'd like playing something exciting very much.
I'd like to play something exciting very much.
Like + to and like+ a gerund <--------- are both correct.
" I'd" is the contraction of " I would.

In English, " excited" is mainly used to talk about human beings while "
exciting" is used to describe objects.


I am going to see Andy Lau at his fan club. I am so EXCITED now.( to describe how you feel <------- you are a human being.)

I watched an EXCITING flicker( movie) with my family a couple of days ago.

( " exciting" is used to talk about the movie. It was an exciting movie.)

Note: a couple of days ago = a few days ago

Good luck with your studies!

See you:)

2008-10-21 02:27:26 補充:
About your first sentence, you may write something like" There are not many toy shops" instead.
By the way, " less" is not only used for uncountable nouns nowadays like one fellow said in here.

2008-10-22 17:51:36 補充:
I like playing something excited very much .<------It is a wrong sentence for sure.

We never use " excited" for things! The one who asked this question chose the wrong sentence!
2008-10-21 7:09 am
There are few toy shops.

The price of the clothes is high.

There should be more seating area.

I like playing something excited very much.
參考: myself
2008-10-21 5:23 am
There are less toy shops. >>>> There are not many toy shops.

The price of the clothes is very expensive >>>> The prices of clothes are very expensive.

It sould make more seating areas. >>>> They should prepare more seating areas. .... or .... It should have more seating areas.

I very like playing something excited. >>>> I like/love/enjoy to play the exciting games.
參考: living in USA
2008-10-21 4:16 am
There are less toy shops.
The sentence is ok.

The price of the clothes is very expensive
The clothes are very expensive.

It sould make more seating areas.
They should add more seating areas.

I very like playing something excited.
I like to play exciting games.
2008-10-21 1:59 am
There are less toy shops.  

The clothes are very expensive.

It would make more seating areas.

I like playing something excited very much

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