f.4 amathz...

2008-10-21 1:48 am
Show that f(x)=1/(2x^2+6x+8) is always positive, and then find the maximum value of f(x).

回答 (1)

2008-10-21 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
=2(x+(3/2))^2 -(9/2) +8
=2(x+(3/2))^2 +(7/2)
the minimum value of 2(x+(3/2))^2 can only be 0
so the minimum value of 2x^2+6x+8 is 7/2
so f(x) can't be negative.
and the maximum value of 1/(2x^2+6x+8) is 2/7
參考: me (F4)

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