
2008-10-21 1:17 am

回答 (5)

2008-10-21 4:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
a sense of occupancy is not love.
Your boyfriend is one of your relationship., but it is not your property.
I know many girls like sense of safety.

But this kind of safety is just an illusion, the biggest illusion, perhaps,

Since you can't live without someone, some is already something for you to escape your loniless, and out of that loniless you have to occupty something.

You occupy your boyfriend, someone occupy themeselves with their jobs, someone occupy themselves with their God, some occupy themselves with drugs.

THat's no differecne, you and I are still finding something to escapae one's lonliness....to make your mind feel a sense of safety.

And there is no love, if there is fear of losing, since out of this fear, there will be hatred, will be dependent, will be occupy, will be jealous, will be sad, will be depressed and so on and so on...

if you can go into yourself, you will find that loniless exists, it is not my thoery, you can feel it deeply, around the corner, when your man is not at the sight of you, so you can't live alone.

anyway, self-identification is one of the misery in the world, perhaps the greatest misery.

if you really have love, even the man you love leave you, you will still help him love.

The end of sorrows is love
參考: me
2008-10-25 2:05 am
首先: 作為女人一定要經得起謊言, 受得起敷衍, 忍得住欺騙, 忘得了諾言!
他有錢時幫他使; 沒錢時躲開他;
騰達時跟著他; 失意時拋棄他;
他落寞時打擊他; 絕望時離開他;
自殺時幫助他; 老了時折磨他!
只要妳做到這樣的境界, 男人才會永遠留在妳的身邊, 因為:女人不"壞"~男人不愛! 建議你去找一本"壞女人有人愛"的書進修一下,包你情場得意, 永遠快樂.
參考: 我的情場經驗.....
2008-10-25 1:36 am
2008-10-22 6:45 am
2008-10-21 1:19 am
參考: myself

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