世界可以造到大同嗎 ? 你有什麼觀點 、 理據 ?

2008-10-20 9:14 pm
世界可以造到大同嗎 ?

要什麼情況才可以 ?

回答 (3)

2008-10-26 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
2008-10-21 9:22 am
就現在現實的世界, 大同是不可能存在的.


人類會因為爭取有限的資源, 便會分開不同的組織,
就是連福利機構, 也不能做不大同, 各家機構都為著自己組織的資源各出其謀.

相反來說, 要大同的話, 首要是解決資源問題. 一日未能做到無限資源, 大同的世界根本不可能.

2008-10-21 23:48:39 補充:
那又不一定, 要看你為什麼要一定追求大同啦.

人總需要希望, 如果你認為大同世界是你的理想,

當然, 現實世界就是現實世界, 只怕有生之年也不能有什麼吋進.
2008-10-21 3:53 am
what condition does human have to have to achieve a state we call utopia

do you know deeply, not just yeah yeah, you are right, yes, it makes sense ,or it is a good point, I like it or it is rubbish, I don't like it, that it is you and I to build up the world, the society, the system, the religion, the polictcal party, and so on and so on?

To me, if you and I are violent in some senses, then it is not possible to achieve anything.

Human beings, like theroy, how to do it? THen there are too many systems and beliefs arise, and I thinkt he ultimate goal is to achieve a state called utopia.

And all are just theroy, so politicans, and clever human beings, are concerned with how to work it out, concern of the method, concepts, but not the reality itsef.

Is that my opinion? ot it is the fact? If it is just an opinion, then I thnk it is of no value, since there are thousands of opinion thrown out, and what I am concern is, can we act?

can you act? Not just sit here and ask:" Yeah, I will type the questions "and it is just an intellectual games, it is not a reality to you.

IF you are at all serious, you will spend the most of your life to this problem, not just one or two minutes, "yeah, humanity is in a great war, war ,fighting, fighting, always asking questions that is not related to everyday life, and always seeking something that is conceptually true but actually can't work out, and because of these cocepts, we kill each other."

If you are really serious, you will ask," what can I do ?"

because you are not separated from the world, and indeed, you are the world, can you see it? not superfically? But with all your heaarts, blood, nerves and so you will say< " Yes, I am responsible for the war, for the poverty and so on..."

Humanity are one
參考: Krishnamurti: You are the world

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