翻釋...轉英文plz 唔該....

2008-10-20 8:09 pm
我最鍾愛的電影是那些混合未來,科技與現實的電影,而近年來所上映的賣座電影皆是以此作基礎的,而在此片中科幻的未來卻又不失現今的一點真實,既華亦實。在眾多科幻特技片尤以「第五元素」( The Fifth Element ) 及「廿二世紀殺人網絡 」( Matrix ) 的各集最為我所欣賞,其中由於後者乃是近期上映,更為新鮮,因此我便選擇談論有關此電影。

首先, 先談談有關「廿二世紀殺人網絡」一片的一些令人目瞪口呆的片段。 「廿二世紀殺人網絡」快速剪接結合慢鏡及新穎招式設計, 令觀眾完全投入一個不真實但刺激的世界。 所有演員經過兩集的訓練後,身手變得更靈活, 袁和平及他的動作班底在本片中再次展示他們凌厲及獨特的動作風格,其中兩個打鬥場面, 肯定會列入經典之內 。超人式的對決由尼歐與史密夫合演。關係人類生死存亡的一戰, 尼歐面對百多個史密夫,在滂沱大雨中使出終極能量, 由地上打到天上, 像超人般在空中比併, 視覺之震撼,掀起予前所未有的高潮。關鍵一戰,歷時超越二十分鐘,而戰爭場面之浩大及特技使用之多, 震撼程度強烈得多。

看過此片後,我感受到很多,其中最為我所感嘆的是外國製片人的那分認真。為製作廿二世紀殺人網絡,共用了二百七十個工作人員,於美國及澳洲拍攝,僱用了40多個美術設計人員, 為影片一百五十個場景設計,規模之大甚具震撼力量。整整花了一年多時間。廿二世紀殺人網絡不單創新了動作視覺境界, 還創造服式型格。 其中最大分別是, 在網絡中的人會穿著較鮮 ,而活在現實世界的人則比較襤褸。

回答 (1)

2008-10-20 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I most cherish the movie will be these mix future, technical and the reality movie, but the recent years screened attracted a lot of customers the movie is used as the basis by this, but actually does not lose a nowadays's spot in this piece of science fiction's future to be real, also The Fifth Element and Matrix each volume of most I appreciates especially in the numerous science fiction stunt piece, because the latter will be the near future screens, will be fresher, therefore I will then choose the discussion to concern this movie.

First, chatted related The Matrix a piece of some dumbfounded fragment.
The Matrix the fast film editing to unify the slow mirror and the novel style design, is invested one completely the audience not really,
but stimulated world. After all actors undergo two volumes of trainings,
the skill becomes more nimble,
"Yuan Heping" and his movement secondary roles in this piece demonstrated
once more they swift and fierce and unique movement style,
two fight the scene, definitely will include in the classics.
Exceeds others in ability-like to definitely by the Nero and Shimifu joint
Relates the humanity life and death a war, the Nero facing more than hundred Shimifu, puts forth the ultimate energy in the torrential rain,
by ground projects on the space, exceeds others in ability likely in airborne is comparable, shocking of the visual, raises gives the unprecedented high tide. A key war, lasted surmounts 20 minutes, but war scene vast and many stunt use, shocks the degree to be much more intense.

2008-10-20 14:22:52 補充:
After having watched this piece, I feel many, what most I sighed is foreign producer's that minute earnestness. In order to manufacture twenty the 2nd century to kill people the network, has used in common 270 staff,

2008-10-20 14:23:04 補充:
photographed in the US and Australia, has employed more than 40 artistic designing personnel, for the movie 150 scene designs, big scale had really shocks the strength. Has spent more than one year time fully.

2008-10-20 14:23:10 補充:
Twenty the 2nd century killed people the network not just to innovate the movement vision boundary, but also created the style of clothing standard. And most greatly respectively is, will be putting on the network person fresh, but will live in the real world person quite ragged.

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