
2008-10-20 6:34 am
Today I'm making a video the best documentary in the world.I really think
It really is the best .if you havn't see it .you should definitely see it.
You know I can't count how many time I have seen it
I told all my friends and families.
if they don't watch longer be their friend and family.
But I think it is important that it brings so a lot of things that our society is doing.and it's all about what we eating.
(+++),how much fast food we are eating.
I know the documantary said 1 in 4 are eating fast food everyday,so think about that.If you're the 1that eating fast food everyday.
That's so many calories that you just stoped that or changed to every other day or once a week.actually help you lose weight ,gain control of your health.and I think it improve your quality.

so one a cool thing about documantary that i just love.was when he showed the school's food and interview some of the kids in school.
and they were eating (you know) MM and they were drinking (cola) for lunch.he was asking them("what...what are they still eat for lunch?")
And they said"nothing,that was their lunch."so I was (op) was really shocked that to it.showing that (+++) maybe good food.and (+++) for kids to eat.
but they have(+++) during the lunch they can really eat whatever they want.they can go to snack machines.they can(+++)(cola).
I know some states now doing it to (where or rare?) there are not snack machines in at least that help kids make a better decision about what they are going to eat.
But the same time,they are bring food from home,then (lexxx)(perhaxx) too.

so I just love the (cool xxx) said was in 1972 there was about 3 billion dollar (and fast food sale).but now is up to 110billion. That is in the same number.(how do 10billion).so that is such huge change.I think the reason why that is because food were goion to convenient.


our life are (headtic),busy,stressed.trying get food (on the run?).we have too many things plan but unorganized.and so we 're not puting(+++) on food we eat. we just go nearest,closest,fastest place to getting food.but maybe the closest ,maybe the fastest.but definitely not the best quality.


and that was (dexxx) are nutrition and having great impact on your health.


some thing I think that was awesome on the documantary.(he obviously documantary his jurney through whole(+++)). he went to the doctors,I think he said that was 5 doctors.(The test on him).so he actually have medical (poof) to show all the changes and his medical test.


(he really need documentary)..after it gone 30 days....!#$!^太快 - -"


eating high fat food,fast food,every single day,every single meal that(+++)actually said he didn't believe before the documentary that someone can induce their liver into ,


,what it's call, fatty liver. and all the medical actually show that (+++) because high fat diet actually (for to) liver into a diseace state.


so that just(+++) right there,medical (poof),research,showing a diet.not just 30days,I mean that is just a ( short period of time and someone's life?) he did for 30days,(+++)impact on his life.his cholestrol went up,his blood pressure went up.he got overwight.


you know he is higher risk of diabetes,all the risk of fatter.and 30days.just basis on food he take. I want to(+++).realize that nutrision what we're e eating is effect our lifes. you probably heard on the media,(+++),in the news,in the newspaper that 60%american are overwight.


so we know(+++) the fact,you can really look around anyway you go and get to see overweight person.


so that with mine,here is other(+++) on the would not walk 7(+++)hours,at a good place ,at a good clip,to burn off super size fries,super size (cola). 7 hours,that almost for work day.just(+++)walking(+++).


.................................. before most children speak,they can (+++)Mcdonal sign.that is really true fact.(+++) .................................


restaurant being push or put nutrision (flat) on the menu.~~~~it is important to for consumer,to realize what they are eating and they can make better and more( form) decision.


so you are are overweigh. you are not feeling are low enegy.really think about what are you eating.what are you paying you body.


related that back (++) your feeling.I think it is time to take responsibility for action.there are so much media there.pointion attention to this is related to(+++) or this is something not cause by your behavior.but I think it is important


to realize(+++)of our life is really basis on decision (our choices).we can improve our life,improve our quality of life by making better choices.

回答 (1)

2008-10-20 9:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Today I'm making a video (about) the best documentary in the world.I really think
It really is the best .if you havn't see(n) it .you should definitely see it.(Super-size Me)
You know I can't count how many time(s they) have seen it
I told all my friends and families(y).
if they don't watch it.(it will)no longer be their friend(s) and family.
But I think it is important because it brings so a lot of things that our society is doing.and it's all about what we're eating.
(How much we are consuming and really) how much fast food we are eating.
I know the documantary said 1 in 4 are eating fast food everyday,so think about that.If you're the 1that (is) eating fast food everyday.
That's so many calories that (if) you just stop(p)ed that or changed (it) to every other day or once a week.(It)actually help you lose weight ,gain control of your health.and I think it (will) improve your quality (of life).

so one (of the) cool thing(s) about documantary that i just love.was when he showed the school food and interview some of the kids in school.
and they were eating (you know) M(&)M and they were drinking (coke) for lunch (and) he was asking them("what...what (else) they (are gonna) eat for lunch?")
And they said"nothing,(is) that was their lunch."so I was (op) was really shocked that to it.showing that (the other) maybe good food.and (the cafeteria) for kids to eat.
but they have(liberty) during the lunch they can really eat whatever they want.they can go to snack machines.they can(go and get those)(cokes).
I know some states (are) now doing it to (where) there are not snack machines in at least that help (the) kids make a better decision about what they are going to eat.
But (at) the same time,(if) they are bring(ing) food from home,then (it defeats the purpose) too.

2008-10-20 01:46:27 補充:
our lives are (hectic),(we're) busy,(we're)stressed.(we're)trying (to) get food (on the run).we have too many things (to) plan but unorganized.and so we 're not putting (priority) on (the) food(s) (that) we eat.(so)

2008-10-20 01:46:38 補充:
we('re) just go(ing to the) nearest,closest,fastest place (in) getting food.but (it) maybe the closest ,(and it) maybe the fastest.but (it) definitely (is) not the best quality.

2008-10-20 01:47:51 補充:
and that (is really depleting our) nutrition and having great impact on (our) health.
some thing (else) I (thought) was awesome on the documantary (is that)(he obviously (documented) his (journey) through (this) whole(ordeal)).

2008-10-20 01:51:46 補充:
(so) he went to the doctors,I think he said (he had) 5 doctors (set the test on him).so he actually have (a) medical (proof) to show all the changes (in) his medical test.
(and it's really needed to end the documentary)..after he(had) gone (for) 30 days (of)

2008-10-20 01:52:03 補充:
eating (this) high fat food,fast food,every single day,every single meal that( the primary physician)actually said he didn't believe before (this) documentary that someone (could) induce their liver into

2008-10-20 01:52:22 補充:
what it's call, fatty liver.
and all the medical (test) actually show that (yes indeed) because (his) high fat diet actually (force his) liver into a disease state.

2008-10-20 01:53:59 補充:
so that just(evidence) right there,medical (proof),research,showing a diet (and) not just 30days,I mean that is just a ( short period of time and someone's life?)he did (it) for 30days,(and what a dramatic) impact (it had) on his life.his cholesterol went up,

2008-10-20 01:54:46 補充:
his blood pressure went up.he got overweight.
you know he is (at a) higher risk of diabetes,all (these other) risk (factors in) 30days.just (based) on (his) food (in-take).

2008-10-20 01:55:39 補充:
(So)I want (you to gonna take that into account and).realize that (in deed) nutrition (and) what we're eating is (gonna affect) our lives.
you probably heard on the media,(on the commercials),in the news,in the newspaper that 60%american are overwight.

2008-10-20 01:56:45 補充:
so we know(that is) the fact,you can really look around (and) any(where) you go and (you're gonna) see (an) overweight person.
so (with that in mind),here is (another)(startling statistics) on the would (have to)

2008-10-20 01:56:57 補充:
walk 7(straight )hours,at a good (pace) ,at a good clip,to burn off (a) super size (fry),super size (big Mac and a super size coke).
7 hours,that('s) almost (your full) work day.(of) just(straight)walking(probably working of the sweat).

2008-10-20 01:57:56 補充:
before most children (can) speak,they can (recognise the)Mcdonal sign.that is really (a) true fact.(unfortunately)
restaurant(s are being a kind of) push(ed towards) put(ting) nutrition (facts) on the menu.(I just think it's a great move, and I think)

2008-10-20 01:59:01 補充:
it is important to for consumer,to realize what they are eating and (that way)they can make better and more( important) decision(s)
so you are (frustrated).you are overweigh. you are not feeling are low enegy.really think about what (you are) eating.what (you are) paying you body

2008-10-20 01:59:25 補充:
related that back (to how you are) feeling.I think it is time (for us) to take responsibility for action(s).there are so much media (out) there.point(ing its) attention to this is related to(genetics) or this is something (that is) not cause(d) by your behavior.but I think it is important

2008-10-20 01:59:54 補充:
to realize(that the majority)of our lives is really (based) on (our) decision(s and)(our choices).we can improve our lives,improve our quality of life by making better choices.

2008-10-20 02:03:06 補充:
so I just love (the) the (cool statistics) said was in 1972 there was about 3 billion dollar(s) (in fast food sales).but now is up to 110billion.That is (an insane) number.

2008-10-20 02:03:15 補充:
(110billion).so that is such (a) huge change.I think the reason why that is because (we are going for food) for convenient(ce)

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