
2008-10-20 4:45 am
一) have eyes in the back of your head
二)have your head in the clouds
三)be somebody’s middle name

一個成語一句..thx (超急)..

回答 (4)

2008-10-20 9:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) Definition: ability to know what is going on even if you are not present

Explanation: Used when speaking about someone who has an incredible ability to understand what is going on, even when he / she is not present.

Example: He must have eyes in the back of his head to have known that you
stole his money in his shop while he was sleeping at home.

2) have your head in the clouds
Definition: to have one's thoughts far away, be day-dreaming.

Example:Never have your head in the clouds in class or you will get punished
by Mr Wong!
3) to be somebody's middle name

Definition: to be someone

Since you are sick, I do not think you are able to meet Mr Wong.
I will be your middle name then.

That's all.

2008-10-21 6:11 am
2008-10-20 9:05 pm
1.The children love playing dangerous game.You really need eyes in the back of your head.孩子們喜歡玩危險的遊戲,你要時加提防,多加注意.With such hostile colleagues she needs to have eyes in the back of her head.與如此充滿敵意的同事共事,她必須事事小心,處處提防.2.John's head is in the clouds again.He's talking about winning the lottery.約翰又再係度發白日夢,佢講緊點贏六合彩.Tom has his head in the clouds.The client will never accept Tom's proposal.湯姆的想法不合實際,客戶一定不會接受他的建議書.3.Good services is his company's middle name.佢公司以服務良好見稱.Don't worry,I won't tell anyone.Discretion is my middle name.唔駛惊,我唔會話俾人聽,謹言慎行是我的特性.
2008-10-20 5:10 am
You must have eyes in the back of your head, otherwise, how would you not have fallen into the construction site?
During class, you should never have you head in the clouds, instead, you should listen attentively and participate actively.

I never heard of the last saying
參考: Me

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